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Kitten Tales


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2023
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Southeast Arizona
Snow x2:
This adventure I actually mentioned on another post, but will go into more detail here.

So I made it to college in the last post. Obviously it was the winter time. OIT is really a cool campus. Over in the Klamath Falls area they have a lot of geothermal activity and get their heat that way! In my dorm room, I liked to crank up the steam radiator and keep the window cracked to get that mixture of cold air and heat! To this day, I don't think I every slept better.

Anyway, it was winter break and I wanted to go home for the Holidays. Thinking I was being clever, I timed my trip so I'd be going up the mountain at around noon time. Warmer temperature and perhaps no snow on the road. As I got going, I noticed a lot of Oregon Department of Transportation vehicles at the bottom of the mountain and thought, cool, they've probably salted the road and where taking a break. Nope!

As I was going up the mountain, everything was great. And then I came to a section on the North side that was protected by the mountain from the sun. My first experience with black ice! Kitten just started sliding! No steering or traction! I'm sliding down the highway in the middle of the road! Not good! What's that ahead? A logging truck!! Turn turn turn! Nothing! Then just as an impact seem inevitable, I slid off the black ice, all four wheels got traction and the front wheels where painting hard right! Swish boom bang! Off the road and over a ten foot cliff. The time was just a little after 12 pm. So much for ODT salting the damn road!

I climbed out of the car and didn't realize it was still four feet to the ground! Kitten was actually straddling a run off cannel. The left front of the car was crumpled and the radiator was crammed into the fan and leaking coolant! Hince why the left front fender has fresher paint and the V5X trim is missing.

A semi-truck stopped and asked I needed anything. I asked if he could call a tow truck and let them know which mile marker I was at. He did and then asked if I wanted a lift. No, I said, I'll stay here with my car. I waited and waited. I watched car after car hit that black ice and there where a couple times I thought they'd slide right on top of Kitten, but fortunately they didn't. Trucker after trucker stopped and asked if ai needed anything. I told them I had a tow truck coming and they'd go on their way.

Finally at about 3pm a tow truck showed up! He was actually a great guy. He was very careful pulling Kitten back up onto the road without doing anymore damage than absolutely necessary. Only down side was it took until after 7 pm to get Kitten back on the road! Seven hours standing in the damn snow and at this point freezing and starving half to death!

The tow truck driver took me into Medford. I called my parents, told them I ran off the road and got towed to Medford. Mom said they where on their way. I had (and still have) AAA towing, so that was taken care of. The tow truck driver offered to buy me dinner which was great! And he stayed with me until my folks showed up (I had told them exactly where I was. And even at night, it's not hard to stop a Top Banana car!

So to this day, I think black ice has got to be the worst experience of my life driving. And from then and until now, I get a sick feeling when I see I sigh indicating icy conditions ahead. Luckily, I've not gone off the road again! Knock on wood.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2023
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Southeast Arizona
It was around 1992 that leaded gas was starting to be phased out in California. So seeing the writing on the wall that all leaded gasoline would go sway, I pulled the heads of Kitten's 383 and had them redone with harden exhaust seats. Still ran the 2-bbl at this time. But once I finished college a few years later and got a full time job, I discovered Koller Dodge. Any of you guys remember them? Mopar parts dealer who sold parts at a reasonable price and their catalogs had the factory illustrations with factory part numbers including sheet metal stampings. I still have a couple of their catalogs as reference.

Anyway, I ordered a Road Runner 383 cam, lifters, pushrods, rocker arms and valve springs. Those items with a 73 400 intake and an 850 Thermoquad really woke Kitten up! Definitely more fun to drive and gas mileage actually improved!


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
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Mid Michigan
It was around 1992 that leaded gas was starting to be phased out in California. So seeing the writing on the wall that all leaded gasoline would go sway, I pulled the heads of Kitten's 383 and had them redone with harden exhaust seats. Still ran the 2-bbl at this time. But once I finished college a few years later and got a full time job, I discovered Koller Dodge. Any of you guys remember them? Mopar parts dealer who sold parts at a reasonable price and their catalogs had the factory illustrations with factory part numbers including sheet metal stampings. I still have a couple of their catalogs as reference.

Anyway, I ordered a Road Runner 383 cam, lifters, pushrods, rocker arms and valve springs. Those items with a 73 400 intake and an 850 Thermoquad really woke Kitten up! Definitely more fun to drive and gas mileage actually improved!
Yep, catalogs like these.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2023
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Southeast Arizona
Remember that dropped drive line episode mentioned earlier?

Well, I was driving home on the freeway one day and the car seemed to lose power. In order to maintain speed, the engine was revving really high! Crud! This can't be good. Luckily a friend of mine, who I helped work on his race car several times, came to my rescue with truck and trailer. Got the Challenger home.

The next day, the engine started up and idled fine. Put it in gear, no movement without really high rpm! Wound up dropping the transmission out and taking it apart. Everything looked pretty good until I removed the rear drum. Springs and cylindrical bearings from the overrunning clutch fell into the bell housing! So the dropped driveline must have damaged the overrunning clutch and it took it awhile (about 7,000 miles or so!) become a noticable failure! I was fortunate enough that it didn't cause the transmission to explode! New overrunning clutch installed, plus transmission rebuilt kit and Kitten was back on the road again.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2023
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Southeast Arizona
Next up is the Nova story.

I had met the future wife at this time. She drove a 69 Chevelle Malibu. Better than most cars I guess, but not a Mopar. Anyway, we were cruising on the highway going about 60mph with her in her Chevelle in the lead and me following in Kitten. I think we were headed to her mom's place.

Anyway, this Nova (I think a 64) goes flying past both of us and acts likes he wants to race. Being a typical male full of testosterone, I figured to have some fun. Remember, Kitten is sporting a Thermoquad and still has the 2.76 rear gear. I press down hard on the throttle. As any of you know who has driving a Mopar with a Thermoquad, when you mesh down on the gas pedal, you can actually hear the sound of air being sucked into the engine! It's an awesome sound! I go blowing by both Chevys doing about 90mph and accelerating! The Nova gets on his throttle and tries to keep up, but alas, after about 125mph, he started getting much smaller in the rear view mirror.

About a week later, the Nova guy tracks me down at my job. Top Banana Challengers don't blend in well in parking lots. He comes in and wants to know what I have in my Challenger.

"Just a 383 and torqueflite." I say. "Oh, and 2.76 gears!"

Come to find out he had 4.10 in his Nova and it wouldn't go much more than 120mph.

Later on I changed gears to 3.23 to have a better around gear and sure grip. But I keep thinking I might go back to 2.76 with a sure grip. Because on the highway, those tall gears are fun!