I didn't want to admit that until someone else did! When you needed wheels and the only one left. The family BOMB! I think the pinto was bought after my sister was T boned. A Dodge Colt. The other driver missed a stop sign. She did like that car. I think it had a dual stick. Come to think of...
Just happened to come across the trio. Can't believe theirs hope.They were off an alley in shotgun city.My sister had a VEGA one time. What a piece of crap.
The 14 guy crew did a nice job! OH wait there is only 10! There is a reflection. 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍 Dull the tape on your pant legs and put it on all edges. It will help protect them when assembling. You have to give the instructor credit too. 👍See what you can do with no girls distracting you!
When I changed mine. I had my son hold it up. He keep asking are you done yet! Just like a car ride. I told him if you would be quite I wold get done quicker. I think you have the right idea.
The bushings are on there to protect the rubber bushings from wearing and structure of the bushing. How do they compare to the older ones shape and size? Pull measurement so you know where your are at.
Pull measurements on the arm inside and out. Then compare to the mounting area. You may need to tweak the inside mounting area to get it in. More so a bar in the inside of the mounting area.Maybe an 1/8 on each side. Measure it. It is a tight fit.
Maybe this will help. They are a snug fit going in. A little dab will do ya. Grease Tell me you don't know whet that means. It has to go in kind of square or it harder to get in. Use a rubber mallet to work in.
In short. No really about a 40min read a four hour study. And a 2 or 4 day of practice and setup. Depending on experience.
The mixture issue.
The closer packed and the higher temperature the air Charge air and fuel charge is the less
timing it needs, correct less timing is best. Some people...
I guess you didn't shoot your eye out and you survived you child hood. I'll keep an eye out for that stuff. Remember WT Grants? When I got out of the service. At the time my father was doing sideline appliance( Bradford) and some tv repair. Just swapping out Fly back transformer ( think that's...
What kind of stuff? For some strange reason I get into the strangest situations. I knew someone that bought out Hello shop in the W PA. I ended up helping clear them out. An other thing I did about 2005. Was Fixing and clear out homes for the VA and realtors. I still get into those messes. There...
The odd part back in the day. You take the girlfriend shopping for blue light specials. And they have a pie eating grin. Until they find out your there to buy a new set of tires. Because you bunt the other one off.