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F.Y.I remote start safety tip


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Acushnet Massachusetts
Just in case anybody here didn`t already realize this.
If you have a remote start for your vehicle and you`re changing the oil.

On occasion I have had my truck start unexpectedly when my keys were in my pocket when the button gets pushed accidently.I thought what if that happened when I was in the middle of my oil change crawling around under my truck with no oil in the pan that would suck to say the least.

So leave your keys in a safe place if you have a remote start and you`re changing oil or just working under the hood.I think a lot of remote starters will start the vehicle even with the hood up so don`t think if the hood is up it wont start.I know it`s probably a 1 in a million shot that anything bad could happen but I don`t want to be that guy.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2009
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Beaver Dams, NY
Just wondering: did the hood get wired in or not? Most of the ones I've had to wire needed to be wired in so that if the hood was open the remote was inoperable. That being said, though, I respect where you're coming from. If I'm working under the hood of a car with a remote starter I want that remote where it can't be played with.
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Sioux Falls, SD
Very good point, But normally if I'm working on the car the keys are in the ignition, but very good though I would have never though of that, but as posted most cars have a hood open kill switch, but I have talked to people that install those some wire it up to see if the car is in gauge to kill it(cheapo manual over ride)


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
Reaction score
Acushnet Massachusetts
I put this remote in myself a few years ago cost about $40.00 I think Bulldog was the brand,it does have a pin for under the hood that is supposed to shut off engine.
When the hood was up I hit the button and it fired right up. I think the switch is supposed to kill motor if a thief starts the car w/hood closed then tries to open hood it should shut the vehicle off.I`ll have to try that to see if it works.
My truck shuts off if you step on the brake as well it is supposed to do that.Anyway my point was not really about theft my truck isn`t going to win any beaty pagents its uglyness is its own theft deterrent.
Even though the odds are pretty slim it could happen I just wanted to make anyone aware of what could happen with an accidental startup if they didn`t already know.
I have had friends come in my house and say hey why is your truck running sure enough keys in my pocket and its running.So my advice don`t leave your keys in your pocket when working on your vehicle.