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Hello from Washington State


Aug 1, 2023
Reaction score
Washington State
Hello all!

Thank you for letting me join the group. I will attempt to keep it short, but a little about myself. Im a 39 year old with no experience in the classics and carburetors. I grew up working on turbo charged VW's and 90's JDM's, so I am very excited to learn about classics and what started it all! My wife unfortunately lost her father a few years ago, who left her 5 beautiful (most not running of course) classics including a '64 Chevelle Malibu, '34 Ford Coupe, custom '77 chevy truck, '67 Chevy Bel Air Wagon that he chopped into a 2 door (almost finished it too) and the one we have decided to keep, a '71 dodge challenger with a swapped 440-6. I have spent the better part of a year familiarizing myself with these older cars and learning about carburetor systems (specifically Holley as all but one of them ran this brand) as well as points and electronic distributor systems. It has been quite fun! Additionally, coming from a VW background, it is always difficult to find a good gear wrencher community. I always found the VW community to be one of the best when it comes to help and knowledgeable forums... Coming across this community I am so happy to see such a strong group of people out there willing to help and get involved with others to keep these classics going! I have read through nearly every thread on the E Body forum (and quite a bit on the A body forum) and have learned so much about this platform in a short amount of time.

As far as the Challenger goes, it is a non-numbers matching I believe an original 383 4 bbl car (going off console VIN) in Plum Crazy (though that is only because I found the last coat in a nook, but could have also been a prior respray). There is no fender tag unfortunately and I am still digging into the VIN as I look further under the cowl and radiator support to verify if it is even correct (rad support has me concerned at a glance but paints thick and haven't really took a hard look). Her father bought the car out of California with the 440 and a 4 barrel carb, then put the 6 pack on it and I believe redid the gearing, had the trans rebuilt (727) and put a B&M Shifter (boooo) with I believe a LOKAR kickdown cable (still digging into how well that was done) and used the car to drag race. I have a lot to go through on this car as he was a really good metal fab guy, but a bit iffy on mechanics lol - also my wife and I want to get it to a solid street car level and not a strip car. It runs great and pulls hard. Idle is a bit low, and it seems to run a bit rich, shifts a bit late and hard (thinking LOKAR Cable adjustment) but I will reach out in separate threads as needed while I dig further into it.

Thanks again for letting me join and looking forward to learning about this platform with all of you!

(Threw a pic of the 2 door wagon in because it is just a cool car to look at)






Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2011
Reaction score
Mid Michigan
Welcome to the site from Michigan!
Lots of good people and information here available to you.
And glad you decided to keep the Challenger :thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2021
Reaction score
Pacific NW
Welcome from Washington (the state not the cesspool). If you're close, I'd love to turn a wrench with you sometime.