hello everybody,just want to introduce myself and tell my story, finally getting to my 70 gran coupe thats been sitting in garage for thirty years, kids all gone so got some time now! So i got this car out of a little town in Wyoming years ago, no title, bill of sale, back then laws where different to get a title and wasnt to hard to get through storage\mechanics lein, not so much these days!!!so year later finally got title and ready to get busy, pretty much stripped car through the years, figured out what needs done, body good shape, need truck pan, quarter panel extentions maybe quarter pieces after some blasting, need al new rubber/wheatherstip/ ect,ect, bummers and rear valance missing, but otherwise good builder, not matching numbers for engine trans, but cool thing is it has a 67 440 hp with 915 heads. been doing lots of research for parts and stuff and ran into this site so super stoked to get help from everyone thats been there and knows whats up!! look forward to talking to you all!!!